Ideas To Upgrade and Revamp Your Pool

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Pool pavers are a great way to give your swimming pool area a makeover.

While pavers are not the only way to revamp the pool area, they certainly rate highly when a property purchase features someone else’s idea of what a swimming pool should look like, rather than your own.

Then again, you might simply want to give your swimming pool’s tired appearance a well-earned lift.

Depending on your dreams, swimming pool renovations can go from quite affordable cosmetics, such as night-lights, to big budget affairs involving landscaping, fencing, and decking.

Here at Darwin Fibreglass Pools & Spas, we’ll take a look at several ideas for adding some swimming pool bling that won’t break the bank.

A modest investment—whether it’s for pool pavers, LED lighting, water features, or waterline tiles—could transform the look of your pool and garden, while adding value to your property.

Water Features

A waterfall for your swimming pool may look like a luxurious indulgence, but it is generally a fairly straightforward addition. Installing a waterfall will add sound and motion, not to mention sparkle, to a normally sedate setting, where the action is more often the kids’ belly-flopping and screaming the neighbourhood down.

It’s hard to imagine a more enticing addition to your pool than a waterfall that dares you to swim directly beneath its refreshing cascade.

Resurfacing Your Pool Area

When your pool pavers are looking dated, it’s not something you can easily look beyond. When the gerni isn’t enough, your pool renovation budget will need to allow for resurfacing.

New stonework is a sure way to improve the look of the pool area. More modern and contemporary looks can be achieved by updating the surfaces when your pool has a concrete or plaster finish.

Waterline Tile Replacement

If the high-pressure cleaner does the job well enough for you, upgrading the whole paved area can be sidelined for the time being. However, you might want to consider giving the waterline paving some love. Being right next to sparkling blue water, these tiles or pavers get the most attention when you take in the spectacle of your pool.

In addition, they might also pop up in your family photos with disturbing regularity. As well as solving that particular problem, a new surface at the waterline will take your swimming pool’s powers of seduction to a whole new level.

Energy Efficient Equipment and Automated Systems

Pool automation technology brings other upgrades and feature additions that make practical and solid investments. High-tech equipment, such as autonomous robotic cleaners, can make hay while the sun shines by running them through solar-powered systems.

On the subject of solar, let’s not overlook the importance of pool covers. Evaporation in our neck of the woods is almost as noticeable as sunburn. And if you looking at ways to reduce your electricity bills, variable speed pool pumps and energy efficient filters will help.

The Pool Itself

Logically, before you decide to spend a cent on upgrades for your pool, you should first get your pool inspected.

There will be no point spending your money on pool pavers and the like if the pool itself is going to need further investment. It’s easy to believe a hole in the ground with water in it will comfortably outlive its owners, but the truth is swimming pools don’t last forever.

Damage through misuse and age-related failings, can sometimes be more costly to repair that it’s worth. If that were to be the case for you, a new, high-quality fibreglass pool from Darwin Fibreglass Pools & Spas is the quote you need before anything else.

Contact us now at for professional advice on your pool maintenance and replacement requirements. Call us today (08) 8947 1192 to see how we can help with your pool renovations.

You might also like to read our previous article: Different Types Of Pool Paving